Friday, May 27, 2016

Installing Puppet Enterprise on Linux server

Installing Puppet Enterprise on Linux server

1.  Go to and download the .tar.gz Puppet enterprise master and Agent installation      files.

2.  Upload the puppet-enterprise tar.gz file to the Puppet Master Server.
     Here we are using a server installed with CentOS

3. untar the installation file

4. Now we will start the  Puppet Enterprise Master installation.
 Go to the folder and run the installer file puppet-enterprise-installer

Note:  if you are not using a DNS server, add the entries for the IP address and hostname in the /etc/hosts files

5.  Press 'Y' to continue installation

6. As shown in the above pic, open a browser and go to the url mentioned.
     Here we are opening https://puppetmaster:3000
    Click "Let's get started!"  to continue the installation.

Note: If you are accessing GUI from a different desktop/server make sure that the port 3000 and 443 ( for later use ) is open between them

7. Choose your deployment mode.
   Since my environment is less than 7000 nodes,  I am using only 1 master server, I am going with Monolithic.

8. Enter the puppet master FQDN and Puppet master DNS alias.

Note: if you don't have a DNS server, make sure that these entries are added to /etc/hosts file

9.  Enable Application Orchestration

10.1  Select the database support needed.
        Here I am selecting the option to install the PostgresSQL and to create PuppetDB database on it      during the installation.
 10.2 Enter the admin password, this is need to login to the Enterprise GUI console after installation.

11. Confirm the plan and click "continue"

11.  If there are no messages in red color, click "Deploy now".

12. Now the Puppet entries is getting installed.

13. After installation you can login to the Puppet Enterprise GUI using https://puppetmaster url and user name as admin and password  given in step 10.2