Saturday, November 5, 2016

Docker Installation on Fedora 24

Docker Installation on Linux - Fedora 24

1.  Update the fedora packages,

        #  dnf update

2.  Create the docker.repo file and add the following entries;

name=Docker Repository

3. Now install the docker-engine 

4.  Now enable the docker service and start the docker.

5.  To test docker installation,

Docker Installation on Fedora 24

Docker Installation on Linux - Fedora 24

1.  Update the fedora packages,

        #  dnf update

2.  Create the docker.repo file and add the following entries;

name=Docker Repository

3. Now install the docker-engine 

4.  Now enable the docker service and start the docker.

5.  To test docker installation,

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

VMware vcenter 5.5 - single sing on and Active directory Integration

How to add a user/group in ActiveDirectoy to VMware Single Sign on

1. Login to VMware vsphere web client
and go to vcenter servers and select the respective vcenter server and go to that page

2. Go to Manage >> Permissions >> Click "+" to add new user or group

3. Click "Add" button to select the users/groups

 4.  Select the "domain" and using the search tab search for the user/group.
Once selected click "ok" to add.

5. Once completed, you can login to the vcenter using the added AD user.

Note : Assumption is that the server hostname is created and added under the same AD.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Puppet module install on puppetmaster

Puppet module install on puppet master from puppetforge online repository.

If your Puppet master server is behind a proxy server, set the following, replacing <PROXY IP> and <PROXY PORT> with the proxy’s IP address and port:

export http_proxy=http://<PROXY IP>:<PROXY PORT>
export https_proxy=http://<PROXY IP>:<PROXY PORT>

  1. To search for a puppet module , run the following command from the puppet master server.
puppet module search < module_name >


puppet module search apache

 2. To  install the puppet module from the search result

puppet module install puppetlabs-apache

3.  The installed modules file can be found in the location /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/ [for puppet enterprise edition]

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

splunk installation on windows

1. Go to the and download the Splunk Enterprise package for windows

2.  Click on the windows tab to download the windows installer

3.  Click on the  .msi file to start the installation

4. When the installation window opens , click on the install tab to start the installation

5. installation in progress

 6. Once installation is complete, start the splunk
      go to  http://<ipaddress>:8001/ to access the splunk

7.  To start from command prompt,

 go C:\Program Files\Splunk\bin

and run the command,
                              splunk start

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Install python xlrd package in windows

1. Download the xlrd  .tar.gz package from

2. Unzip and untar the file and go to the location where the file is location and run the command to install xlrd package

               python install

Monday, June 27, 2016

Google Cloud Appengine for Python - installation on Windows and create application

Google Cloud Appengine for Python - installation on Windows.
Also to create first application.

1. Go to the Google App Engine download page and download the windows installer under "Google App Engine SDK for python"

2. To install the SDK on Windows:

  1. Double-click the SDK file you downloaded (GoogleAppEngine-1.9.38.msi) and follow the prompts to install the SDK.
  2. You will need Python 2.7 to use the App Engine SDK, because the Development Server is a Python application. Download Python 2.7.X (don't use a higher version) from the Python web site. 

3.   Double-click the SDK file you downloaded (GoogleAppEngine-1.9.38.msi), if python installation is dected, click next
  If python is not installed , install python using the instruction in following url :

4. Select destination folder

5. Proceed and complete the installation

6. To Create an Application, open the Google App Engine Launcher and

7.  Go to,  File --> Create New Application

8.  Fill in the Application Name, location for the source code. Also select the application port and admin port (We can set the ports as required). Here I have changed my admin port to 8001,.

And click create to create the application.

9.  To start the website, select the website and click run.

You can access the website using the url: http://localhost:8080

Friday, June 24, 2016

Install Eclipse for Python and Django in Windows

1. First Python need to be installed on the Windows OS.

Please refer to the following link on how Install Python on the Windows OS.

2. Go to Eclipse download page and go to "Get Eclipse Neon"  and download installation exe file.

3. Click installer file to start installing the Eclipse.

4.  Select "Eclipse IDE for PHP Developers"

5. Select the Installation location.

6.  Wait till the installation is completed.

7.  Now we need to Install Pydev, so that we can use Python and Djano using Eclipse.
    For this open the Eclipse and go to help  Eclipse Marketplace.  

8.  In the find box type "PyDev" and click Go.
     And install "PyDev - Python IDE for Eclipse 5.0".

9.  Select the "PyDev" packages and click confirm to install

10.   Wait for the installation to completed. Click and accept the certificates when prompted.

11. Now go to Windows - Preferences

12. On the RHS of the window Go to PyDev -->  Interpreters --> Python Interpreter
And on the LHS click on "Quick Auto-Config"

13. Now the python and django will be added and now we can start programming.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Windows 2003/2008 - find os installation date

Windows 2003/2008 - find os installation date

Go to
                 start -> run --> cmd

And from the command prompt run the following command

                  systeminfo | find /i "install date"

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Install Python 2.7 and Django in Windows 7

1.  Go to and download python 2.7 version
      And run the installer to star installation.

2.  Select the installation directory

3. Select the features you want to be installed.

4.  Go ahead with next buttons and completed the installation.

5. Go to system properties --> Advanced --> Environment Variables --> System Variables
   and select PATH and click "Edit".
   If the installation path selected in Step 2 is not there, then add it.
   In this installation the paths are  C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts;

6. To confirm the installation go to cmd prompt and type ,

               python --version

   and it will show installed python version

7. Now to install djangogo to django page and download the tar file

After that unzip the .tar.gz file

8.  Now go to the django directory and run the following command to install django

                 python install

9.  To check the django installation is working, go to python shell and use following commands

                import django