Monday, June 27, 2016

Google Cloud Appengine for Python - installation on Windows and create application

Google Cloud Appengine for Python - installation on Windows.
Also to create first application.

1. Go to the Google App Engine download page and download the windows installer under "Google App Engine SDK for python"

2. To install the SDK on Windows:

  1. Double-click the SDK file you downloaded (GoogleAppEngine-1.9.38.msi) and follow the prompts to install the SDK.
  2. You will need Python 2.7 to use the App Engine SDK, because the Development Server is a Python application. Download Python 2.7.X (don't use a higher version) from the Python web site. 

3.   Double-click the SDK file you downloaded (GoogleAppEngine-1.9.38.msi), if python installation is dected, click next
  If python is not installed , install python using the instruction in following url :

4. Select destination folder

5. Proceed and complete the installation

6. To Create an Application, open the Google App Engine Launcher and

7.  Go to,  File --> Create New Application

8.  Fill in the Application Name, location for the source code. Also select the application port and admin port (We can set the ports as required). Here I have changed my admin port to 8001,.

And click create to create the application.

9.  To start the website, select the website and click run.

You can access the website using the url: http://localhost:8080

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