Thursday, July 13, 2017

Install Jenkins in Centos 6.8

1. Install Java

$ yum install java

2.  Installing the Jenkins repo

$ wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo

3.  Import the verification key

$ rpm --import

4. Install Jenkins

$ yum install jenkins

Note: Download and install RHEL repo if needed,

rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

5. Start Jenkins

$ service jenkins start

6. Access the Jenkins using the url http://<ip-address>:8080
   Then copy and paste the key  Administrator password from the file /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

7.  Select and install the required plugins

8. Create user first Admin User

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

HP MSA Storage P2000 G3 - assigning new IP address using SSH

1. Login to  management console using SSH

2.  Show the current IP address setting using following command

  show network-parameter

3.  Change IP address of controller A using following command

set network-parameters ip <IP_ADDRESS> netmask <NETMASK> gateway <GATEWAY> controller a

4. Restart controller A

restart mc a

5. Change IP address of contoller B using following command

set network-parameters ip <IP_ADDRESS> netmask <NETMASK> gateway <GATEWAY> controller b

6. restart controller B

restart mc a

Thursday, March 9, 2017

RHEL 6.5 partition 3TB harddisk using gparted

RHEL 6.5 partition 3TB harddisk using gparted

 For my senario,the fdisk -l shows 3TB hdd connected as /dev/sdb

1. So started parted using ,
           parted /dev/sdb

2.  create gpt disk label,
           mklabel gpt

3. change unit to TB
           unit TB

4.  create 3TB partition
         mkpart primary 0.00TB 3.00TB

5. fdisk -l , shows that a new partition /dev/sdb1 is created of 3TB in size

5.   To format as EXT4 filesystem,
               mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1

Friday, February 10, 2017

Openstack Newton on CentOS 7 using packstack

1. Prerequisites

1.1 Hardware requirement 4GB RAM
1.2 $systemctl disable firewalld$systemctl stop firewalld$systemctl disable NetworkManager$systemctl stop NetworkManager$systemctl enable network$systemctl start network

2. Setup software repositories

2.1  yum install -y centos-release-openstack-newton

2.2 update the OS

yum update -y

3. Install packstack

4. Generate the answer file using packstack

5. Edit the answers.txt file and enable the required features..

6. Install openstack using the answer file

7.  Once the installation is complete , login to horizon using http://IP-address/dashboard
u: admin
p: password set for horizon in answer file