Vagrant - running a box in windows 7
1. Download and install virtual box from
and start up the virtual box.
2. Download and install vagrant from
I had my vagrant installed in the location C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant.
And added C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\;C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\bin to windows environment path.
3. Also install putty from for SSH access to the box
4. I had issues installing the box image using vagrant command, through internet. So I downloaded them and copied them and initiated it locally.
For this I created a project location C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\Projects\VM
And I downloaded the box file or copied the box file from the url to the default box file location %userprofile%\.vagrant.d\boxes
5. Add the downloaded box.
For this open the windows command prompt as administrator and add the box to vagrant list using command,
> vagrant box add lucid32 %userprofile%\.vagrant.d\boxes\ --provider virtualbox
note : replace %userprofile% with the location to .vagrant.d folder
6. Go to the project location C:\HashiCorp\Vagrant\Projects\VM and run the command
> vagrant init lucid32
7. Now start up the VM using the box image lucid32 by running the command
> vagrant up
8. To get the ssh details run the command,
> vagrant ssh-config
9. Use the details got from the step 8 to ssh login using putty.
username : vagrant
password: vagrant
Now you are in the vm.